Software development

The stages of a systems development life cycle

SDLC products from software vendors promise organizational clarity, modern process development procedures, legacy application strategies, and improved security features. Vendors such as Oracle, Airbrake, and Veracode provide software development solutions in their complete enterprise software offerings. Many of these vendors also have a strong focus on identifying and de-bugging systems that may support the process of testing in software development life cycles. In many cases, SDLC teams utilize a variety of software solutions to support the varying stages.

system life cycle phases

In business, any systems which are implemented into the operations must go through several processes before they are fully integrated into the company infrastructure. Depending on the skill of the developers, the complexity of the software, and the requirements for the end-user, testing can either be an extremely short phase or take a very long time. Take a look at our top 10 best practices for software testing projects for more information. In theory, all of the prior planning and outlined should make the actual development phase relatively straightforward.

Iterative Model

Other SDLC models include rapid application development (RAD), joint application development (JAD), the fountain model, the spiral model, build and fix, and synchronize-and-stabilize. The systems development life cycle originally consisted of five stages instead of seven. The software development lifecycle (SDLC) outlines several tasks required to build a software application. The development process goes through several stages as developers add new features and fix bugs in the software.

system life cycle phases

Training usually covers operational training for support staff as well as end-user training. This step involves decomposing the system into pieces, analyzing project goals, breaking down what needs to be created, and engaging users to define requirements. Relevant questions include whether the newly implemented system meets requirements and achieves project goals, whether the system is usable, reliable/available, properly scaled and fault-tolerant.


Furthermore, developers are responsible for implementing any changes that the software might need after deployment. T’s important that the software overall ends up meeting the quality standards that were previously defined in the SRS document. The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. Baselines[clarification needed] are established after four of the five phases of the SDLC, and are critical to the iterative nature of the model.[21] Baselines become milestones.

  • Every hardware or software system will go through a development process which can be thought as an iterative process with multiple steps.
  • In the design phase, software engineers analyze requirements and identify the best solutions to create the software.
  • Similarly, the SDLC helps professionals in software development follow a clear plan from the beginning of the idea of a system to its ongoing maintenance.
  • Like other data-related projects, the activities in the analysis phase should include profiling the data in the source and target data structures.
  • Therefore, the model is most suitable for small software development projects, where tasks are easy to arrange and manage and requirements can be pre-defined accurately.
  • Depending on the skill of the developers, the complexity of the software, and the requirements for the end-user, testing can either be an extremely short phase or take a very long time.

In practice the results of one activity can feed the other in an iterative process. This may involve training users, deploying hardware, and loading information from the prior system. Also, make sure you have proper guidelines in place about the code style and practices. Economic Feasibility – determines the positive economic benefits that the system will provide (cost benefit analysis). Tests should prove that the system complies with all design specifications and any required security measures.


New versions of a software project are produced at the end of each phase to catch potential errors and allow developers to constantly improve the end product by the time it is ready for market. Before we even begin with the planning stage, the best tip we can give you is to take time and acquire proper understanding of app development life cycle. Project managers in charge of SDLC need the right tools to help manage the entire process, provide visibility to key stakeholders, and create a central repository for documentation created during each phase.

system life cycle phases

“Let’s get this closer to what we want.” The plan almost never turns out perfect when it meets reality. Further, as conditions in the real world change, we need to update and advance the software to match. In short, we want to verify if the code meets the defined requirements. For example, define a nomenclature for files or define a variable naming style such as camelCase. This will help your team to produce organized and consistent code that is easier to understand but also to test during the next phase. This article will explain how SDLC works, dive deeper in each of the phases, and provide you with examples to get a better understanding of each phase.


The analysis stage includes gathering all the specific details required for a new system as well as determining the first ideas for prototypes. In the world of making computer programs and systems, there’s a crucial process called the System Design Life Cycle (SDLC). It’s like a step-by-step guide that helps developers and engineers create strong and reliable systems.

The project manager is responsible for executing and closing all the linear steps of planning, building, and maintaining the new or improved system throughout the process. This stage involves deploying the developed system into the production environment. This includes activities such as system installation, data migration, training end-users, and configuring necessary infrastructure. Implementation requires careful planning and coordination to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition from the old system to the new one. This stage includes the development of detailed designs that brings initial design work into a completed form of specifications. This work includes the specification of interfaces between the system and its intended environment, and a comprehensive evaluation of the systems logistical, maintenance and support requirements.

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